D4 Pathway Groups

In 2 Timothy 2:2, Paul is nearing death, so his priorities are clear. He instructs his young friend and disciple Timothy to uphold this important imperative: “and what you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also.” 
Growing in Christ is best achieved in relationships. Christians who learn together and disciple one another, multiplying faithful believers and building a legacy of faith, make a greater impact for Christ and are more effective and faithful disciples.  The best way to achieve this is in small groups designed to multiply and produce more disciples. That’s the purpose of the D4 Pathway Groups.
D4 Pathway Groups are the newest addition to the comprehensive discipleship ministry of FBCS. D4 groups will not replace our Wednesday night DiscipleLife ministry, but they augment that ministry and they add additional depth for individuals who want to grow through intentional biblical relationships.
Each D4 group has one “Paul” and up to three “Timothy’s.” And you can choose now to join a group as a Timothy. In a 33-week commitment, each Timothy will spend time in personal study and then invest at least an hour each week with their Paul and their D4 Pathway Group. 
Pray over this commitment, and then sign-up if you would like to be discipled by a Paul, sign up using the form on the right. 
For more information, you can browse the D4 book at the display in the back of the Family Life Center.  Books will cost $10 but always remember we will scholarship books for those in need.       
Our prayer is that as Timothy’s complete this process, that they will become Paul’s who will faithfully entrust what they’ve learned to others who, in turn, will eventually do the same.  Please keep our D4 Pathway Groups in prayer and let’s see what God does through this ministry as we seek to be a disciple-making church who produces disciples that continue making disciples.